Monday, 27 April 2020

4TH GRADE: HOMEWORK 28-04-2020

VOCABULARY. Daily Routine

1- Vamos leyendo y comprobando que todos estos verbos los tengo apuntados en mi libreta en la última lista de vocabulario que hice.
Los voy a necesitar esta seman para hablar de mi rutina diaria en inglés.


1. Wake up - Despertarse
2. Get up - Levantarse
3. Have a shower - Ducharse
4. Have a bath - Bañarse 
5. Get dressed - Vestirse
6. Have breakfast - Desayunar
7. Brush (my) teeth - Cepillarse los dientes
8. Go to school - Ir al colegio
9. Study - Estudiar
10. Play with friends - Jugar con los amigos
11. Have lunch - Comer (mediodía)
12. Go home - Ir a casa
13. Do (my) homework - Hacer mis deberes
14. Have dinner - Cenar
15. Go to bed - Irse a la cama


It's ten o'clock, it's time to go to bed.
It's ten o'clock, I go to bed.
I go to bed at ten o'clock.
At ten o'clock, I go to bed.

2- Read this story.


Hello, 4th graders!
What do you do at eight o´clock in the morning? And at nine o´clock? 

Read this story and check if your day is like this.

3- Do the interactive sheet on LIVEWORKSHEET page.